“You’re welcome.”
“Carlo, let me burp her. Our baby girl is becoming more active. That’s a good thing isn’t it?” Jack asked the nurse.
“Yes, so long as she’s not fussy. Keep a careful watch on her. Even though her formula provides a diet as close to breast milk as possible for immunization and brain development, it still isn’t a good idea to expose her to the mall or the grocery store until she starts to get her vaccinations. Do you happen to know if her mother was fully immunized?”
Carlo looked at Jack. Jack shrugged. “I have no idea if Meredith had any vaccinations.”
“Since you don’t know, you’ll have to be careful. Some parents aren’t immunizing their kids and that puts little ones like Bella in danger from measles, chicken pox, whopping cough and a host of other preventable diseases.” Nurse Anderson seemed concerned.
“We’ll keep the christening and the wedding to only our families and the guys.” Jack handed the baby back to Carlo to finish the rest of her bottle.