Chapter 40

Nurse Anderson was on duty. “I’ll take a picture of both of you with Isabella if you show me how to use your camera.” Carlo showed her which button to push and they had a picture of the three of them. Jack holding Bella with Carlo’s arms around both of them.

Carlo and Jack put Bella in the car seat carrier and the nurse stayed with Jack while Carlo went to get the car.

“I’ll go start the Lexus and make sure it’s cooled down before you come outside with the baby. I’ll pull up to the front of the hospital so wait in the lobby.” Carlo gave Isabella a light kiss on her nose and walked out.

Jack was waiting in the lobby with the nurse and Bella appearing a little lost when Carlo came back. Carlo took Bella and strapped her into her car seat. Jack got in the back with her and they headed toward home.

Carlo was driving fifteen miles an hour. “Baby, you’re more likely to cause an accident by going too slow than by observing the speed limit.”