Hannah warmed the bottle and Edith tested it on her wrist. She popped the nipple into Bella’s mouth and Bella sucked greedily on her early lunch. Nonna burped her, and handed Bella back to her nana. She took another three ounces before she fell asleep, nipple in her mouth. Hannah took her upstairs, changed her into a onesie and a sleep sack and brought her down to be put in the bassinette.
“How much does she weigh now?” Mark asked peering over the side of the bassinet.
“She’s four and three quarter pounds. She lost a little ground but seems to be recovering nicely. We’re going to have to watch every sniffle lest she comes down with pneumonia again but she beat the odds and survived this. Our Bella is a fighter. Everyone take a look and then I’m shooing you all out. Bella needs her rest if she’s going to the ceremony on Saturday and frankly, after the last month, so do Jack and I.”