Chapter 53

“I’m going to work here part-time and go back to school. Carlo’s going to put me through Monmouth so I can be a math and science teacher.” Jack smiled.

“That’s what you always wanted to do, help people. That’s why when you couldn’t be a teacher, you became a cop.”

“I never thought about it that way.”

“We always knew you were a good guy, you had to know it and it took Carlo to convince you. Carlo and Beau’s baby.” Bobby snorted.

Jack’s voice turned to ice. “Isabella Marie is a Del-Monte-Romano and Carlo’s and my daughter. Beau was a sperm donor.”

“Finally…” Bobby smirked.

“Finally what?”

“Finally you realize what a low life, lying, cheating, bastard, piece of pond scum Beau was.”

Jack smiled. “I finally do. So I can count on you to be Bella’s godfather.”

“You couldn’t keep me away.”

* * * *

Thursday morning