Chapter 54

“She doesn’t even have a will to overturn. The only thing in the will was that Mr. Romano got custody of Bella. Beau made sure the monetary distribution was ironclad by distributing it to Jack before Bella was born,” Jake contributed.

“Jack, Carlo, I’m supposed to represent Bella’s best interests in this matter and I’m very happy you retained Jake as her attorney. Confidentially, as far as I’m concerned, a grandmother who abandoned her own child is not to be trusted with another. Especially when she finds out that Bella isn’t a meal ticket.”

“I just hope we don’t get a homophobic judge,” Jack said in anguish.

“There is only one on the bench in Monmouth County and he doesn’t work in family court.”

“Thank God.”

“I’m going to put in a request for Judge Stottlemeyer. He’s a friend of yours, Jake, as I recall.” Sara Friedman smiled sweetly.

Jake smiled. “Yes he is. He married me and my Davey.”

“Well then, I’ll see you in Mr. Hyland’s office at three.”