Chapter 53

“That’s what I’m here for. That, and to smack you in the head if you get too full of yourself.”

“Back at you, bro, back at you. Goodnight.”

He put his phone down on his desk and crossed the hall to his bedroom. After removing his robe and sleep pants, he slid back under the covers.

“Ugh, your feet are cold,” Gray complained.

He took Gray into his arms and said, “Warm them up for me. That’s one of your jobs.”

Gray grumbled, “Where were you?”

Enzo moved to get more comfortable on his pillow. “Talking to Luigi.”

“Is he okay now that Mama knows?” Gray asked.

“Better, he missed the family.”

“I’m happy for him.” Gray rested his head on Enzo’s chest and threw his arm over his lover’s stomach. “Now we need to find him someone of his own.”

“Before you start matchmaking, give poor Luigi time to find his own man. Now snuggle back in and go to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow.” 18


November 21