Chapter 54

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Enzo joined Gray and Genevieve upstairs and was introduced to the fellow, Dr. MacTavish.

“Could you please lay out the progression of treatment so we know what to expect?” Enzo wanted to save both Gray and Genevieve from any and all surprises.

Dr. MacTavish sat them down on the couches provided outside the clean room and explained in detail what to expect. “The first six to twelve days, Mrs. Grey will receive intensive chemotherapy and radiation. This will result in unpleasant side effects including abdominal bloatingor cramps, and watery diarrhea. In addition, you may have changes in your sense of taste, nausea and vomiting, dehydration, loss of appetite, mouth sores, a skin rash, hair loss, and fatigue. Mrs. Grey is familiar with some of these because of her prior chemotherapy.”

“My side effects weren’t as bad as some of the others I went to treatment with,” Genevieve told the doctor.”