Harris entered the sunny apartment and was pleased to see it was tidy and colorfully painted. As a matter of fact, every wall was painted in warm tones of red and orange, with a touch of blue or that Chartreuse green he’d seen behind Jude’s ear that night. He was surprised at the cheeriness of the apartment. This was indeed the home of an artist, full of original and mismatched furniture—charming and bold. “This place is wonderful,” he said, fastening his eyes to the most beautiful thing in the room—Jude’s face.
“It’s not much, but it’s home.” Jude stood near him, nervous, but smiling. He was dressed in dark blue skinny jeans and wore a navy-blue checkered shirt over a red T-shirt.
“I’d forgotten just how beautiful you are,” Harris whispered, completely smitten by Jude’s eyes. “And you look younger, happier, more like yourself in this home, if that makes any sense. I love the colors on you.”