“Oh, bummer. Can I pretend you were naked?”
“Do you wanna hear my grandiose dream or not?”
Jude laughed. “Yes, go on.”
“Well, so, the ground was shaking and I thought whatever army had burned down the fields was coming back for me, but then, through the black dust and ashes, running headlong to me, was this white horse, and it cut through the smoke and stopped right above me. So close, I could see its black nostrils flaring.”
“Was I riding this horse?”
Harris pinched Jude’s side. “There was no one riding it. It was wild and black-eyed. It stared me down and that’s when I woke up.”
Jude nibbled his bottom lip for a second. “I never dream.”
“No, you sleepwalk.”
“I do not.” Jude grazed a fingertip across Harris’s naked chest. “You have a great body, by the way.”
“Thank you.”
“So, what do you think the dream means?”
“Horses signify success in work.” He caressed Jude’s cheek. “But the horse was you. I need youto make that success happen.”