Chapter 56

Bull barely slept. He knew he had to talk to Bear and Reed. He’d take Jamie to Jim and Brian as soon as he could reasonably call them in the morning. Jamie was still sleeping when Bull made the call. He had checked on him. His hair slipped out of the thong and his braid was undone; all of Jamie’s glorious hair draped around his body. Bull imagined that hair stroking his cock. He imagined a lively Jamie, not blissed out or robotic, a fully aware Jamie, making sweet love to him. What have I done? I’ve deliberately sabotaged any hope I could have for a relationship with him; I’m such a fucking fool.

At eight fifteen he called Reed and asked him for two things, that Brian and Jim come to his house to take care of Jamie and that Reed and Bear meet him at the club. He went to the bedroom and woke Jamie.

“Words can’t express how sorry I am for what I did. I called Jim and Brian to come here so you can talk. I’m going in to work.” He turned from Jamie just as the phone rang.