Chapter 2

“That’s what I mean. I don’t want to call attention to myself by making a fuss and refusing Gary, but I can’t live with the sneaking around.” Danny got up, sighed, rinsed his cup in the utility sink and put it in the tray to go through the dishwasher.

“I guess I’m going to refuse him, but I really like him. I did the first time I saw him.” Danny started to cry in earnest.

Jim jumped up and put his arms around Danny giving him a hug. “Before you do that, let me have Reed talk to him.”

“Bear and Reed could double team him.” Brian jumped up and almost knocked his cup down in his excitement over the idea.

“Gary wouldn’t like that,” Danny said dejectedly. Neither one of us likes to call attention to ourselves. I don’t want to piss him off or be the cause of some gossip or drama at the club. I just can’t allow him to become someone special to me if I have to hide who I am because of it.” He dropped his head to his chest, and Jim made soothing noises as he patted Danny on the back.

Danny hiccupped. “I know it’s my hang up, not his. He’s always been upfront about the necessity to hide his sexuality. I didn’t think it would matter. I liked him a lot but when he offered for Greg and Greg refused, I thought he’d just use me at the club because I wasn’t what he was looking for initially. Now I’m emotionally invested. That was okay as long as I knew he didn’t want me but now he wants me. I don’t know what to do.”

“You wouldn’t have to be in the closet while leading your own life, just when you’re with him,” said Brian.

“I can’t have a lover who isn’t out. It cost me too much to come out myself and I’m not going back, even for someone I love.” Danny put his hand over his mouth. “I didn’t mean to say that.”

“You can be honest with us. We won’t say anything to Gary or anyone else unless you tell us it’s okay. What did you tell Gary?”

“I told him I’d have to think about it. He wants my answer tonight.” Danny sobbed a bit louder.

“It will be okay. Before he offers for you, he has to negotiate a contract. Bear and Reed are both upstairs. Why don’t we go up to the office with you and tell them what’s going on? This way you don’t have to refuse him. Reed and Bear can do it and then they have to explain why.”

“Then there wouldn’t be a scene, but he’ll find someone else to play with. I don’t think I could watch that either.” Danny’s whole body took on an air of dejection.

“Then we’ll just have to find a way to make this work, hon.” Jim stood and took Danny’s arm. “We’re going upstairs to see Bear and Reed and you’re coming with us.”

* * * *

“I feel strange going to Masters Drummond and Davis with my troubles,” Danny said, walking up the stairs behind Jim. “I usually try not to bother anyone with my problems.”

“You said you had trouble when you came out. What happened?” Brian turned and asked.

They stopped on the landing. “I came out at eighteen. My parents kicked me out of the house. I lived kind of rough for the two months it took me to graduate high school. I was supposed to work at my father’s dry cleaning store and eventually take over the business since my brother had no interest. “What did you do?” Brian asked.

“Thank God I had a job at McDonalds and a membership at the YMCA. The job covered food, I showered at the Y and couch surfed when I could.”

“How did you get back on your feet?” Jim asked. Danny could feel the wave of sympathy coming from his two friends.

“When my older brother came home from Afghanistan and found out what our parents did, he made them give me back some of my things and took me to live with him. I found out my brother is as gay as I am. I stayed with Caden for a year bouncing from job to job because I had no training.” Danny leaned against the banister.

“How did you find the job at Indiscreet?” Jim asked, curiosity evident on his face.

“My brother is a Dom and he played here once or twice as Tom Martino’s guest. They knew each other from the Army. Caden stayed in and Tom did his four years and left. He heard about the job from Tom. Caden knew I was a natural submissive and so did Tom. They told me about the job. I interviewed and here I am.”

“Do you still live with your brother?” Jim tapped his fingers on the stair rail.