Chapter 3

“Once I got the job at Indiscreet, I found an efficiency apartment in Allentown proper and moved out of my brother’s place. The timing was good since Caden was going back for another tour, he said he’d keep paying for the apartment as long as I needed it, but I moved as soon as I got the job so he didn’t have to lay out the extra rent.”

Jim continued up the stairs. Danny and Brian followed.

“Neither Caden nor I have spoken to our parents since they threw me out. I lost my home coming out and had to claw my way back to being self-sufficient. I won’t go back in the closet. Even for Gary, I just won’t.” Danny clenched his fists.

The party reached Reed’s office and Jim knocked. “Come in,” Reed called. “Is that you, Jim? Are we ready for tonight’s rush?” Reed was sitting on one of the two chairs in front of his desk with Bear in the other. A bottle of Courvoisier and two snifters sat between them.