“You have no idea what you did? You made possible for us to see each other more than three days a week. You took my little back story and batted it up to the next level. It was very believable. Why aren’t you a writer?”
“I just told that poor man a bunch of lies. That was necessary but not nice. As far as being a writer is concerned, I wasn’t college material. My father told us we couldn’t make it in college. So I went to one of my father’s dry cleaners to be an apprentice and learn the business from the bottom up and Caden went into the service.” Danny started to pace the floor. “I was gay, so I didn’t go. I didn’t know Caden was gay until he returned from a tour and found me on the street. Instead of the service kicking Caden out, my parents kicked me out instead. Same story, different venue.” Danny shrugged in embarrassment. He didn’t want Gary to know he was stupid.