Gary began to shake. He couldn’t let anything happen to Danny. “Should I have you and Danny move back to the other house?”
“As long as I stick to him like glue it shouldn’t matter. But I’d call ADT today and put a rush on it and get the full monty—motion sensors, perimeter alarms, the works. You are a famous person who came out of the closet in a machismo profession. Believe me, I know something about that. It can make you an object of senseless hatred. Look what my so-called father did to Danny.” Caden downed the rest of his drink.
“We are in complete agreement. I don’t want anything to happen to Danny as the result of this. I’ll make the call now. Then we can see what’s for supper.” Gary walked over to the phone.
* * * *
Dinner was quiet but to Danny it didn’t look as if Caden and Gary had a falling out so he tried to mind his own business.