“Not me, I’m perfectly happy here with Danny. I could buy him a Nursery business and help him run it. I’m not too old to go back to school, although with this shoulder, manual labor is pretty much out of the picture. I’m lucky to be able to throw the tennis ball to the dog.” Gary chuckled and poured himself and Caden more coffee. “But this shoulder got me Danny, so I should be on my knees thanking God. I’m going to bring Junior a travel mug of coffee. Want to join me?” Gary got up to go to the kitchen. “Junior likes his lattes.” Caden followed Gary.
“Is Junior gay too?” Gary laughed.
“Everyone thinks so, but Junior is straight as an arrow. He’s Mrs. Santorre’s, Bear’s housekeeper, son. She was like a second mother to Bear when he grew up. He took in the whole family when they came up against hard times. They all work for him in some capacity or another.” The men went out to the yard.