Hot, ale-sweet breath washed over her lips. “I hope you’re right about that.”
Her heart thundered. “You going to invite me in or kiss me? Because those are the only two options I’m willing to let you entertain about now.”
“Let me? You’re accustomed to making demands, I see.” He yanked her into the room and slammed the door shut hard enough to make the floor vibrate. “We’ll have to do something about that.”
She covered her secret thrill at his intention with a jaunty grin. After all, goading him had done exactly as she’d wanted. She was now inside his room, with every means at her personal disposal to make sure he wouldn’t want her to leave again until her rendezvous with Mariel.
“What happened to treating me like a lady?”
He smiled. “You don’t want me to treat you like a lady, remember? You insisted on paying for your own drink.”
“Because I don’t like being indebted to people.”