Chapter 4

Just as her patience threatened to snap, he stopped behind her, planting his hands firmly on the back of the chair. She tensed when he bent and settled his mouth at her ear. “It looks like you’re ready for me to touch you.”

In spite of how his hot breath melted her spine, Anicka held completely still. “I’ve been ready ever since I sat down next to you.”

“Get on the bed.” His lips brushed across the curve of her ear, and then he disappeared. “Facedown.”

A frisson of desire shot straight to her pussy. His command broke the rules that had kept her alive for so many years, and yet the urge to yield practically choked her. She desperately wanted to turn around and see the look on his face, to try to read what might be going on in those hypnotic gray eyes. But she’d agreed to call him Sir. She’d acquiesced to the orders he’d already uttered. Whether they followed her rules or not, everything she’d done so far was an unspoken promise to obey him. To trust him, no matter what.