“Let me take you to dinner, too,” Ares said, shrugging on his shirt, “and you have a deal.”
“Easiest deal I’ve ever made.”
They finished dressing quickly, and Ares took her hand without thinking. She didn’t pull away from him. As they walked through the garden, they caught a few curious stares—and a few dirty looks—but Ares ignored them. He was quite certain they weren’t the first couple to have sex on one of the garden floors, anyway.
His bunk was down on the fifth floor. It wasn’t exactly a suite, but even the cheapest room on the Paradisus was one hundred times better than what he was accustomed to. Especially since he wouldn’t have to worry about rats climbing over his clothes or cockroaches marching across his chest while he slept. He let her into the room first and engaged the lock behind them once the door shut.
“I’m assuming your bosses set you up with a slightly better room.”