Chapter 27


“What if she doesn’t remember?” Anicka pressed.

He didn’t pause before answering her this time. “Then I find other ways to remind her. Maybe if I can find the right way, she won’t forget again.”

His gray eyes—the same ones she’d been captivated by since meeting him, the same ones she’d both seen go feral in a fight and dark with passion—now regarded her with barely disguised expectation. That was wrong. One of the reasons she’d been so impressed by him from the start was how inscrutable he could be. Nobody knew until it was too late what was going through Ares Gallo’s head. Even she wasn’t immune. When he’d carried her to safety after Sheeryn had activated her destabilizer, she’d had no idea of his potential interest in her until his touch had proven deceptively gentle wiping away the blood.