“STRIKE has been my whole life for a long time,” she said quietly. “I love what I do. I’m good at it. The smart thing for me to do right now would be to contact Mariel and see what she has to say.”
“No,” Ares said swiftly, hotly. “No, STRIKE is not your whole life. You hada life, Anicka. We had one together. Mariel is lying to you. Every time she looks at you and doesn’t tell you who you really are, what you’ve really lost, she’s lying to you.”
“You don’t think I know that? I do. Because my gut is screaming that something is wrong. To find out what’s going on, why I have mementos that shouldn’t exist.”
“You don’t need to go to Mariel for that.”
“My gut’s screaming that at me, too.”
His concerned expression softened, though he wasn’t quite smiling. “I love it when you say that. We need to get off Paradisus. The sooner we get away from here, the better.”
“Wait. I’ve said it before?”