Chapter 25

“Cisco’s constant worry about Greg is cute,” Jim said.

“Not when you have to live with it all the time but I love him for caring so much. Now I’m really leaving,” Greg said as he bundled up and headed for the door.

“So am I.” Danny kissed everyone good bye.

As the door closed Brian said, “I know what Greg is complaining about. Bear keeps constant tabs on me. I’m lucky Junior doesn’t rat me out.”

“Do something stupid and he will. Bear will warm your bottom for a month if you put yourself in any kind of danger,” Johnny said with a bit of sternness.

“Caden isn’t quite as controlling as Cisco but not as easy as Bear. I get spankings,” Johnny added.

“Except for the issue of Brian’s safety, Bear is a pussycat. Brian has him, what would you call it—dick whipped.” Johnny laughed.

“I like my life just the way it is. Don’t be carrying tales to Reed, Bear will get upset and I won’t be able to go to the store with Junior.” Brian made a face.