“Nary a one,” Bull answered with a grin. “Dumped them along with the uniform.”
Gary chuckled. “Seriously, what do we do about Tom? He’s crazy about Robbie.”
“Robbie isn’t my patient, but I’d say in a case like this Tom has to move forward very slowly and to expect setbacks. The time on the streets stunted Robbie’s emotional growth. He’ll be all right but he needs to know he has a loving family who has his back. That’s us. And if I have to kick Tom in the balls to slow him down I will. The kid is fragile, mentally and physically.” Cisco picked up his second Danish.
“Does anyone know how to make donuts? My mother made better glazed donuts than Krispy Kreme. Maybe if we set them a task they’ll stay out of trouble,” Gary said chuckling.
Bear laughed. “Donuts…surely you jest…damn donuts won’t make any difference…You could have them busy building Stonehenge and they’d find trouble or it would find them. If they start making donuts, Brian will burn down the house.”