Chapter 1


“My name is Peter, and I’m an addict.”

Daniel resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He had heard this at least twenty times already. The Narcotics Anonymous meeting on a Friday night was always packed in preparation for the weekend. Temptation was always great then. And Daniel hated coming to this thing.

But it was a stipulation with Jamie. He had to stay. His job and his relationship were safe if he showed he was coming to make sure he was keeping clean. Jamie had put his own career on the line to help him when Daniel got stuck in his downward spiral. Daniel owed him that, at least.

His partner stood beside him, watching the young, clean-shaven kid now talking in front of a group of strangers with a blank expression. He glanced at Daniel, and that blank look turned into a frown.

“You could at least look interested, Daniel, instead of standing there with a scowl.”

Daniel snorted.

“Look interested?” he whispered. “Are you kidding me?”

“You need this, Daniel. Don’t pretend that you don’t.”

“I’m down to one meeting a week. That should say something.”

Jamie sighed. They were right at the back of the hall, Daniel leaning against one of the pillars. As far away as Daniel could get without actually leaving the room. The leader of the group had not looked impressed at Daniel’s intention of staying where he was instead of joining in, but he had eventually let it go, on the condition Daniel went up to talk. It was a compromise and Daniel grimaced every time he spoke up about his addiction.

Three years clean, and he was still expected to talk. Daniel barely had any twinges or temptation to take any drugs. He even stayed away from painkillers for a headache. But Jamie was still concerned. His lover of fifteen years worried about him. It was endearing, but in this case it was annoying.

“Don’t scowl so much.” Jamie reached out and rubbed his back. “I’ll make up for it when we get back. I promise.”

Daniel arched an eyebrow.

“Are you going to let me take charge?”

Jamie’s mouth twitched in a slight smile.

“Don’t push it, love.”

If Daniel’s problem had been drugs, Jamie’s problem was control. Especially in the bedroom. The younger by two years, the moment they started getting intimate Jamie was the one taking over. It was a different side to the rookie cop who had caught Daniel’s attention the moment he walked into the police station. Daniel was happy to let Jamie call the shots, finding out very quickly that it was difficult for his partner to let go and allow anyone to take charge of him in bed

A former drug addict and a control freak. They were a right pair. And, somehow, it had worked.

The sound of the door opening behind them had Daniel looking over his shoulder. And then staring. A man in his early twenties stepped into the room, dressed in army fatigues. Holy hell.He was built. Very built. Broad shoulders, trim waist and the loose garments were not hiding the fact he was very muscular. It made up for the fact he was barely shy of six feet. His cap was on, the brim low over his eyes.

Daniel’s instincts went on the alert. Something wasn’t right here. This man wasn’t here for a meeting. This was meant to be anonymous, where nobody knew where you lived or what you did for a living unless you divulged it. Daniel never wore his uniform to his meetings and while he mentioned his job a couple of times, he didn’t broadcast it. Jamie always kept his badge and gun hidden in case he spooked anyone. So, either this guy was a psychopath who liked to parade around in his uniform or he was looking for someone.

The latter looked more likely, as the young man hovered at the edge of the room, scanning the people there. He didn’t move from the door, his face blank as he looked over everyone. Then his expression slipped and he began to look worried. Scared, even.

Daniel was on the alert now. Something was not right here. He nudged Jamie.

“Jamie, I think we’ve got a problem.”


“Behind you. Guy in the fatigues. I think he’s looking for someone.”

Jamie glanced behind him. Off to the guy’s right, they hadn’t been noticed yet. Jamie stared, and then turned back.

“You don’t recognize him?”

“With that cap over half his face, that’s a little difficult.” Daniel frowned. “Should I recognize him?”

Jamie rolled his eyes.

“You don’t follow the Society pages much, do you?”

“In Kentucky?” Daniel snorted. “You must be joking. I’m not interested in any of that.”

“Too bad.” Jamie shoved his hands into his pockets, leaning into him. “That’s Nick Horscroft. One of the youngest billionaires in the country, if not the youngest in Kentucky.”

Horscroft. That sounded familiar. Then it clicked.