Chapter 2

“Horscroft as in Horscroft Aviation? The people who make private jets for the rich and famous?”


This soldier was a billionaire? It didn’t look right. Daniel looked over the uniform. He did look good in them. What would he look like out of it?


“He looks a little young to be the owner of such a big company. And I didn’t realize they had changed the dress code.”

Jamie smiled.

“I think it’s just in name only now. His dad was the owner and he died a couple of years ago. Left everything between his two kids, with the company to his son.”

“So, he simply signs the checks while he serves his country,” Daniel mused.

“Nick’s a sergeant in the army. Although,” Jamie made an appreciative noise, “he does look pretty good in a suit. The pictures of him were certainly mouth-watering.”

Daniel arched an eyebrow at his partner.

“You’re drooling over him already?”

“I’ve been drooling over his pictures for ages. Now?” Jamie grinned. “Looks like dreams do come true.”

Daniel bit back a laugh.

“You are awful.”

At least Nick Horscroft had some sense about him. Who would be interested in pandering to the rich and wealthy to get them from A to B? Daniel certainly wouldn’t. Everyone got treated the same and if they had an entitled attitude, they weren’t going to get anywhere. Daniel had been spoken to about it a couple of times with his sergeant, but Daniel wasn’t about to change the way he talked to people because they had a lot more money in the bank. Money didn’t talk with him.

Although if Nick committed a crime and he started using his money, Daniel might make an exception.

But what was he doing here? He didn’t look like an addict. Then again, neither did he. If anything, Nick looked like he had literally gotten off the plane from a tour. His fatigues were still dusty and there were dark circles under his eyes. He looked like he needed sleep, but here he was looking around trying to find someone. And getting more panicked about it.

His shoulders slumping, Nick turned and left. Daniel pushed off the pillar.

“Come on.”

“What?” Jamie blinked. “But you haven’t been up to speak yet.”

“I think someone needs our help. That’s a bit more important.”

Jamie looked like he was about to argue, but he sighed and threw up his hands.

“Okay, fine. Sometimes, I wish we were just regular guys.”

Daniel kissed his cheek.

“Nothing regular about you,” he whispered, which resulted in getting a shiver from Jamie. Fifteen years, and the two of them could still turn each other on with a simple glance, a few words and a smile. Life certainly wasn’t slowing them down.

Now Jamie followed him out into the hall of the church. Daniel knew he should step back and leave the man alone. Chances were, he had just been coming to surprise someone that he was back, but Daniel had seen his face. He had looked very scared. Clearly, he had been there hoping that someone was safe and well. Daniel just wanted to go and help him.

It had nothing to do with the fact the sight of the young soldier had Daniel’s blood stirring. Nothing to do with it.


Nick was halfway across the lobby towards the front doors when Daniel and Jamie caught up with him. Daniel had to jog to keep up with him.

“Hey, wait up there.”

Nick immediately spun around, his hand going to his waist, only to grasp at air and realization dawned that he wasn’t armed. His body tensed and he naturally went into a defensive stance.

“What do you want?”

He looked a little spooked. Daniel slowed to a stop, signaling for Jamie to back up a little. There was no need to crowd him.

“You okay there? You walked into an NA meeting and then walked out again. Were you looking for someone?”

Nick’s eyes narrowed, barely visible under his cap.

“Why would you care?”

“Because I thought you could use some help.” Daniel spread his hands, showing that he posed no threat. “I’m Daniel. This is Jamie. We thought we could reach out and see if you needed help.”

Nick’s lips curled into a sneer.

“I don’t want any help from addicts.”

“You got a problem with addicts?” Jamie snapped.

Daniel glanced at him. His partner had moved to the other side of Nick, effectively blocking him in. He had adjusted his jacket so his badge and gun were on display. Nick’s eyes widened as he stared at the badge, and then up at Jamie.

“You’re a cop?”

“We both are.” Jamie nodded at Daniel. “I’m here for him.”

“Jamie.” Daniel could feel his face getting warm. He focused on Nick. “Look, we can’t force you to talk to us, but we can help if you need it. If you’re looking for someone, we can help.”

Nick looked at him. Really looked. And Daniel thought he had the most stunning blue eyes he had ever seen. Arousal stirred in his gut, and Daniel had to force it back. Now was not the time to think how attractive this young man was.