Chapter 19

“It might be important.” Daniel moved to stand beside Jamie. “Blanche and Kathy overdosed at the same party, didn’t they?”

Nick nodded.

“They were found in time, but Blanche…she had never taken drugs and her body couldn’t cope with the overload. She died on the way to the hospital.”

“What drugs did she take?”

“Ecstasy.” Nick managed to raise his head. He looked ashamed. “Kathy and Blanche got into an argument, and Blanche wanted to stay but wasn’t having a good time. She was given half a tablet, and that was enough to completely dehydrate her and for her body to shut down. Kathy had been hitting the harder drugs after the argument, and she was in a coma for two days before she woke up.” Nick squeezed his eyes tightly shut, but a tear still escaped down his cheek. “She was devastated when she heard what had happened. They really loved each other. Just one silly fight and it was all gone.”