“I can’t believe you asked me to marry you.” Steve guffawed. “We haven’t even had sex yet, except once. I’ll never forget that. Show me yours.”
Josh pulled up his profile on Steve’s phone and handed it back to him.
“Sweet.” Steve grinned from ear to ear. Nice chest shot.
“We’re going to have to delete those apps if we stay together.” Josh wasn’t going to have Steve ogling every guy in town online. Who was this Circus702, anyway? The profile was disgusting, and why did Steve think it was him?
“I like the gay trivia contest. You play?” Steve asked.
Josh gave him a dubious look and changed the subject. “Can we cancel on the thing with Dan?”
“Why? Genie’s going to be disappointed.”
“It’s before the show. I don’t like to eat before I perform.” It wasn’t just that. He had to prepare for Steve that night as well. For both performances, a light stomach was in order.