The knock was so soft, Levi believed he’d imagined it, but when it came again, he put the bottle on the coffee table and got up. Slowly, he unlocked the front door and looked out through the crack.
Doc’s shoulders were slumped, his normally styled hair was pointing in every direction, and there was a look of anguish on his face.
“Hi.” His whisper hardly made its way to Levi.
“Hi.” Silence descended around them, but it was soon overtaken by Levi’s heartbeats. “Did Livvie enjoy her pineapple?”
Doc smiled, looked away, blew out a shuddering breath, and took a step closer. “Can I come in?”
“Of course.” Levi moved out of the way.
Doc hadn’t more than closed the door behind him before his lips latched on to Levi’s. The sudden move had Levi stumbling back, and not until the wall hit his back did he kiss Doc back.
“What the hell were you thinking, going to Iraq? How could you do that to me?” Doc took a small step back, his hands going to his hair.