Chapter 15

“You didn’t upset me. I believe we should begin as we mean to go on. Outside of eating or asking for something to eat, everyone in this house stays out of my kitchen, except for the three girls who come in during the day to help. I gather we’ll be joining the lunch rotation. I’m very happy to take on those other bitches. I’m a better cook than all of them, even Bianca with her fancy degree.”

Richard cast another glance toward Julien who was trying to control himself. He defused the situation by saying, “I think it’s time for me to go to bed.”

“Come with me,” Julien grinned, “and I’ll show you where your room is. You need to take the elevator to the fourth floor. Right now, we’re on the first floor. We always have at least six for every meal. My assistants, the guards who eat downstairs, and us. When there are more than six, Isabel uses the catering kitchen.”