Since he was right, Julien didn’t argue. He thought about what Etienne said, little things, so he didn’t buy three dozen peaches, he bought six. The market had very pretty wicker baskets with handles, and they told him about a store across the street that sold fabric ribbon and fancy bows. It opened at six-thirty.
At six forty-five, he was in the kitchen fiddling with his basket as Isabel scolded him while he tried to fit his six peaches into the basket and make it appear pretty.
“Here, let me do it, you stubborn wolf. You bought them, the basket and the ribbon. I’ll only stack them. You can tell him you did it yourself.”
Julien gaped at her in horror. “I can’t lie to my Mate. You can do it because I don’t want to bruise the peaches, but I won’t lie.” Isabel rolled her eyes and arranged the peaches in the basket.