“That sucks.”
“It did.”
Jon turned his attention to Detective Harris and the officer, who were now in the bedroom off the living room. “What do they think they’ll find in there, other than my clothes?” he asked Brody. Then something occurred to him. “They can’t hear us, can they?”
“Nope. We’re on a different plane of existence. At least that’s how I figure it. Here, but not here. Make sense?”
“I guess.”
Brody chuckled. “Go with it. Some people can see or hear us, but they’re few and far between.”
“I wish the detective wouldfind something, even if it meant I was a crook. At least it would explain who wanted me dead.”
“There’s one thing you should consider, other than that,” Brody replied. “It could have been a mugging, pure and simple.”
“And they left a wad of cash in my wallet?”
“How much?”
“Five hundred bucks. I’m…I was a waiter, damn it. That much I do remember. Waiters don’t make that kind of tips.”
“Depends where they work,” Brody replied.