“Ride along with the good detective and see what goes into his report. He’ll do one before he heads home for what’s left of the night.”
“You’re sure?”
“Jon, I was a cop. Remember? I know the routine.”
With that said, Brody and Jon got into the detective’s car—without opening the doors.
* * * *
“It wasn’t one of the tree branches,” Jon said, reading over Detective Harris’ shoulder as he wrote up his report. “Weapon: Unknown.”
“Until the autopsy, hopefully,” Brody replied. “And unknown could mean they didn’t find the weapon even if it was one of the branches. The killer could have, probably would have, taken it with him.”
The detective continued his report, saying under his breath, “It can’t have been a mugging. Not when the perp didn’t take the cash, but did search the car. No one has an empty glove compartment. No one. What was the guy looking for in Mr. Watt’s wallet?”
“What was in your wallet?” Brody asked Jon.