Chapter 24

“Are you sure he’s gay, Jimmy?” She put a hand on her chest and sighed.

I nodded. I’d always thought Guy was good-looking, but all dressed up, he was stunning.

Before I could turn to go meet him, Bobby charged into the back room.

“He says he knows you, Mr. Patterson.” Bobby was wide-eyed. “Then he just started to walk back here.”

“It’s okay, Bobby.” Felicity reverted to her reassuring mommy self.

Bobby looked from me to Guy and back again. He stared at me and seemed to deflate.

“Oh, I didn’t know you were….” Bobby looked like he was about to burst into tears.

Felicity glanced at me and shook her head as I took a step toward Bobby.

“I’ll take care of this,” she told me softly. “You two just go on and have a good time.”

I was confused. What was going on with Bobby? What was I missing?

I lifted my jacket to put it on.

I stopped, ready to go back to where Felicity was speaking softly to Bobby.