“Is there a problem here?” Tommy appeared suddenly from around a corner near the front door.
By this time, all the diners were silent, some blatantly watching us, some looking out the darkened windows, others down at their tables.
“No, no problem. I called for a reservation, and Jase here says there’s no tables available.” Guy swept his hand at the room. “I was just pointing out there seems to be a lot of open seating.”
Tommy adjusted his stance in front of Guy.
“No, there’s no space for you.” He spoke loudly so everyone could hear him. I could feel his need for a fight. His body was taunt and ready to snap.
Guy’s gaze swept Tommy, his eyes contemptuous.
“We’ll be sitting right over there.” Guy indicated a table next to the windows. “I can call the sheriff and see if he thinks this is discrimination.”
Tommy again adjusted himself so he was blocking Guy.
“It’s posted that we can refuse service to anyone for any reason.” He stated it like he was ready to go to court.