* * * *
At around three in the morning, another deputy had taken the last of the preliminary statements, the security gates were down, and we’d visited the hospital where Jason and Evie were all bandaged up and being held overnight for observation.
Guy moved Felicity into his guest bedroom. The teens were all right, but their parents were irate—not at Felicity and me, but at “whoever” had trashed the place.
Evie’s parents were the most vocal. Well, at least her mother was. Guy and I both got the idea Evie’s dad suspected who was behind the destruction and was pissed his daughter had been caught up in it. He was closemouthed, but fighting mad. Just as I was.
“If you set up somewhere else, Mr. Patterson, just tell me where it is, and I’ll get all the moms and kids there. I don’t want you to lose anything over this.” Mrs. Evie’s anger made me take a step back.