Since she saw herself as a local businesswoman, I knew Beth was thrilled I’d made headway into the newcomer group, especially since they were establishing themselves as the antihate people. It wasn’t so much that she wanted to be accepted by this recent “in” crowd as it was that she wanted the queer community to be united and not split by celebrity/noncelebrity divisions. Ricky seemed to be part of the new group, if only on the periphery.
After I explained my daily routine and gave him a couple of simple but important jobs to do, I discovered Ricky was as chatty as John was silent.
“I like having friends.” He gave me an exuberant hug after I complimented him on cleaning up the holiday greenhouse display. “Not a lot of people want to be my friend.”
I understood. Ricky was oddly childlike in his enthusiasm and his acceptance of everyone he met. His emotional level dipped and soared almost minute by minute. He exhausted me.