Chapter 10

Although Jonah and Sandy desire the gay Chris Hemsworth look-alike consultant, Judas Milner, at CCC Services, a delicious dreamboat that causes both their tongues to wag, Cookie has decided to take on the role herself, meeting with the fresh and handsome couple for their final review before their wedding in two days. She meets Jonah and Sandy in the establishment’s royal blue and gold foyer, immediately shakes their hands, and snappily admits, “Prompt. Just as I like my clients to be. Follow me to the consulting room called Happiness.”

Jonah takes note of Cookie’s too-tight skirt, white blazer, matching four-inch high heels, and pillbox hat. All she needs is a pair of wings to look like an angel. She clumsily but quickly wobbles in front of them left and right, leading them astray down a wide hall of consulting rooms called Joy, Faithfulness, and Love. Consulting room Happiness is the last one on the right. Cookie enters the room first and the two men follow.