“…where we can go to grieve. They have a healer there who can make sure your son can be healthy and safe.”
“And how do we trust her? How do we know this isn’t another human trap?” Rixa stomped his hoof in anger.
“She’s not quite human, Rix. This is my sister-in-law.”
“El’s mate? How…?” Rixa spluttered.
Em gently slid Rhea’s body out of Rixa’s embrace so that he could hold his son. She turned to Tuxtax and asked, “There’s a river at the far end of the campground. Tuxtax, will you take Rixa to the river to bathe. You’re both covered in blood.”
“I can’t leave her,” the centaur stammered.
“I’m going to prepare her body for burial. Rixa, I don’t want your son to see this, in case he wakes. Please?”
“I—” He stared down at his newborn son. “He’s so little. I’m so lost. I don’t even know what to call him.”
Em replied, “Rhea named him Surrufus, after your…”
“Grandfather.” Rixa wept.