The library was filled with quiet, soft and warm. Henry felt as though he were inside a whisper. He found his way up a flight of stairs and into the stacks and study carrels arranged like a little tree house. There, finally, he found a tiny dark corner, like a den. Feeling overwhelmingly tired, he curled up, holding his shadow close like a blanket. Shelves and shelves of books were all around him. He opened his right hand. He was bleeding; Jamey’s star was covered in blood. Henry had gripped the star for too long and too hard. The star throbbed in tandem with the pain in his hand that he could just now feel. He watched as the star soaked up the blood as if it were a sponge. The pain in his hand went away.
Henry shook his head. He was just too tired to figure out what was going on, except for more magic. He would have to ask Dr. M if—no, when he saw her.