Like the rest of the rooms in the apartment, the kitchen was small. Nondescript white tile and wooden cabinetry had been accented with touches of teal and gold paint. The stove, sink, and a scant section of counter space were at one end of the room. Next to the sink, a coffee maker gurgled as the carafe filled. A wooden table and two chairs, also painted teal, were crammed at the other end in front of a window.
Mattie was half-singing along to the Frank Ocean pumping out of the sound system as he hovered over the stove shuffling around frying pans. He’d pulled on a thin gray hoodie and a pair of black mesh shorts over his boxer briefs. He turned to greet Cam with a sunny grin.
“Morning, babe, I…oh.” Mattie bit his lip as his eyes wandered up and down Cam’s frame. “You look good in my clothes.”
“I look good in everything,” he replied, trying not to appear uncertain. It was a cheeky response, but it paid off as Mattie laughed.