Stephen’s eyes widened. “Oh. Right. That’s supposed to stay under wraps for now. Don’t let my assistant know I said anything. Not that I said anything. You must be hearing things. Pull yourself together, Martin.” Another clap on the back for the both of them, and Stephen disappeared into the crowd.
“Um…” Cam trailed off, not sure of what to say.
“Yeah,” Mattie agreed. “Honestly, I love you, and you know I’m proud of you. And I’m glad your project was so well received. But sometimes I wish it caught the eye of someone with a little more chill.”
Cam stared at Mattie, dumbfounded. He wasn’t sure which part of that simple sentence hit him the hardest. All he knew for sure was that it was the final confirmation that Camilo Mendoza Martin was absolutely, irrevocably, one hundred percent in love with this version of Mattie Valenti. Hell, at this point, it was probably safe to say that he’d be able to fall in love with any version of Mattie.