Chapter 36

“Are you sure you wanna be here?” I said, very quietly, watching the tears roll down his cheeks. He’d been crying silently all the way here. It was breaking my fucking heart. Making me weak and desperate. “O’Reilly, say something…”

Hours before, when I’d walked into the Hotel Dieu hospital, I’d been shocked at my own resilience. My nerves had been steady. My resolution, unwavering. Steadfast, I’d hurried down those long halls, passing open doors, with only one thing on my mind: To be there for O’Reilly. To my surprise, the ex-boyfriend had been there, too. Man, what a jerk this guy was. No respect for Derek, at all. Things had escalated pretty quickly. O’Reilly’s parents had tried to console him in their own strange way, but that hadn’t helped. I’d never seen him in such a state of fury and pain. If I hadn’t intervened, I believed he’d have clocked his old man. There was rage inside him. Righteous rage.