Chapter 37

I peered into his eyes, feeling the communion between us. “Every. Single. Fucking. Thing.” I tipped my head. “I just need a little more time to get my shit together.”

He was smiling through his tears. “Okay, Nick…Okay.”

“I’m so gonna make it worth your while, O’Reilly. I swear to you.”

We walked down the street, shoulder to shoulder, silently, both looking around at our old neighborhood, lost in our own reminiscing. Then suddenly, he turned to look at me. “I’ll make it worth your while, too,” he said, raising his chin and giving me a bold, confident look. “You’ll see.”

I ruffled his thick red hair. “Yeah, O’Reilly, I believe you will.” 18

I carefully moved away from Spencer on the mattress and stood. He was finally asleep, down for a nap. He’d throw a few major tantrums in the last hour, and I’d been a little overwhelmed, but had managed to appease him. Man, toddlers were rough business. I hadn’t been this stressed out since Split’s opening night.