Chapter 45

“You look a little tired, Nicolai.” Dad flipped and moved around the various pieces of meat on the grill. “You work too hard, both of you. Work is good, Nico, but a man needs to rest, too.”

“It’s the summer rush, Dad,” I said, defensively. “Things will quiet down in the fall.” Truth was, O’Reilly and I were finding out that we were both workaholics. We were almost competitive about it, too. I wouldn’t let him catch me resting too long and the same went with him. It did wonders for our business, but how long could we keep up this crazy pace?

“Oh, man, Dad,” Boone said, joining us. “This smells so good. Anything ready on here? I’m starving.” He grabbed a fork, poking around the meat.

“Hey, hey, don’t touch.” Dad ruffled Boone’s hair. “It’s almost done.”