Chapter 44

When everyone had left with a piece of cake, Andy pulled up a chair to Derek’s desk and so did I. We sat around in silence, exhausted but thrilled, eating the delicious cake against the sound of the hip hop music the staff had on full blast in the kitchen.

“Kids these days, huh?” Andy said with a smirk. He got up and shut the door, and then sat again and took out his phone. “You two ready for this?” He typed into his phone. “Remember Kathryn Lutz, the food critic who gave us a lukewarm review a while back?”

I remembered all right. She had a lot of clout in the industry and all chefs secretly hoped to be featured in her popular monthly column. The woman didn’t mince her words and though she’d written that she’d enjoyed my menu immensely, the dining experience had been chaotic for her and she’d not given me more than three stars.

“She was here last week,” Derek said, very softly, giving me an apologetic look. “And—and I didn’t wanna tell you, ‘cause I didn’t want you to be nervous.”