Caught between a stomp and a trudge through the sand, I put it all together. Halloween!
“Ah ha!”
It was almost Halloween. I was in the midst of a Punked-style prank with characters playing up the whole eerie monsters angle.
I kept going but looked back. “Nice job. Any other time, I’d be all in.” I gave them the courtesy of walking backwards, so I could look the talented company in their faces to give them their due. “Brava! Take a bow.” I clapped. “Brava to you and your visual effects crew. I like Halloween, but I got things to do. I have a brand new husband who’ll be missing me like crazy, so I’m outta here.”
“Otto, come back.” I felt Delphine’s pull this time, not just in her voice, but in some spooky way beyond Tinsel Town tech I didn’t want to acknowledge. “Si tu plait.”
“I don’t want to plait. I’m done plait-ing. I’ll be fine.” I fought it.
“I’m afraid we must insist.” The French accent lost its appeal when the words that accompanied it sounded threatening.