
Chapter 41

“It looks exactly like me, which is remarkable, considering how little I’ve smiled since I’ve been here and how little time you and I have spent together. Even in class this morning, we sat side by side. How did you remember my face?”

“Tell him how.” CJ nudged little Pansy.

“All I have to do is touch someone. I shook your hand the day you came, remember?”

I did.

“And you smiled.”

I remembered that, too.

“Now, your smiling face is in my brain.” When she reached up, I bent down, thinking she would go for the sculpture. Instead, it was my real face she touched. “I spent days getting it just right.”

“And did, I’d say.”

“She’s an artist, mate,” CJ said.

“She sure is.”

“For real.” CJ nudged me. “The remembering is magick, maybe, but the sculpting is all talent.”

“Thank you so much, Pansy.” I set the bust down. “Can I hug you?”

“Of course.” Pansy giggled when I did. “Now, let’s get to work on your caper.”