She didn’t wait until the train chugged off into the night, just left the platform and strode into the woods surrounding it, the light of the moon guiding her path. It wasn’t full just yet, but it would be soon, and that made it all the more imperative she arrive at her destination before it rose tomorrow evening.
Clouds obscured the three-quarter moon, and she took the opportunity to slip behind a stand of trees and wait.
It wasn’t long before the two men approached her hiding spot.
“Dammit, I told you not to dawdle, Warrick,” the shorter one snapped. Oddly enough, she didn’t feel endangered by them. She was simply curious as to what they wanted of her.
“You’d have preferred to be on her heels and alert her to the fact we were following her?”
“That’s neither here nor there. We’ve lost her, and the grandmother is not going to be pleased with us.”
Warrick shrugged. “It’s too late to track her. We may as well find lodgings for the night.”