Halliwell…I recalled the dream in which the black wolf had torn the man’s head off. Of course it hadn’t happened, but had the knowledge the wolf with the blue eyes would have done that for me banished future nightmares?
Drew angled up to capture the sound with his mouth, and his tongue dipped past my lips, licking at my tongue.
“I’m glad,” he whispered.
“About what?”
“They didn’t split your tongue. I was so worried they would.”
“You mentioned that before. Why would they do that?”
“To make you appear more like a snake.”
“I have no doubt they would have if they’d thought of it, but they were satisfied with my skin and my eyes.” Occasionally I’d be aware enough to understand what Twitchell and Simmons were talking about when they spoke of what Malossini had done to previous “snake boys”.
Drew shuddered. “Horrible men.” He threaded his fingers through my hair.