Chapter 117

Da’ took my arm. All right, Drew?

Yes. Yes, I’m fine. And I smiled at him to prove I was.

After we arrived at Lyn’s home and went up to Da”s bedroom to unpack, shower, and take a nap before dinner, I said, “You seem all right with your friend bringing his fiancée to see you.”

“Why wouldn’t I be? I want Den to be happy.” He stretched out on the bed, arching to get the kinks out of his joints, then rolled to the side and patted the spot he’d just vacated.

I stood looking down on him. “What about me?”

“I want you to be happy, too.”

I rested a knee on the bed, leaned toward him, and cupped his cheek. “You make me happy.”

“Good.” He turned his head and caressed my palm with his tongue.

“Would—Da’, don’t distract me. Would you be this casual if it was me bringing my fiancée to meet you?”

He stiffened. “Don’t even suggest something like that. It would destroy me if you no longer wanted me.”