Da’ came up behind us, wrapped his arms around me, and kissed my cheek.
“See, Den? I told you he was one of the good guys.”
And I could feel his pleasure.
* * * *
After the first few days, however, I became increasingly more restless and stressed. Something was happening in London, more than Robin missing his big brother, and I needed to be there. Da’ric wound his fingers in my hair and murmured against my mouth, “Of course, Drew.” The next morning he changed our tickets, packed our holdalls, called his grandparents to tell them goodbye, and hugged his uncle. “I promise we’ll return for a longer visit soon.”
“I’ll hold you to that promise. Stay safe and well, my boy.” He turned to me. “Both of you.”
He drove us to the airport and waved us off.
We entered the jet, buckled up in preparation for a twelve hour flight, and began reading the first installment of The Protector Takes It All
* * * *
“I’m sorry, Drew, I’m wiped.” Da’ yawned.